Gardening with Russell Dixon
Our Head Gardener at Great Fosters Russell Dixon gives us some simple gardening advice we can all use at home:
MOW Give your lawn its first cut of the season – cut high on the first cut, then cut again a few days later. Getting the cutting height and mowing frequency right can make a huge difference to the ongoing health of the lawn.
CREATE compost area, even if you don’t use compost it will provide a valuable wildlife resource and is a great way to reduce your kitchen waste
BUILD ( Or buy/find) bird and bug boxes, still time to put them up – great activity to do with children!
DRAW (or photograph) your garden as it is or as you want it to be. Then set to work making your vision a reality
PLANT seeds. It’s a great time of year to plant and if you don’t want to wait too long to see your results quick germinators include Cosmos, Marigolds, Nasturtiums and all of the Brassica family
THINK of your neighbours elderly or vulnerable, a cheerful hello and a chat over the fence could make their day
Lastly and MOST importantly remember William Henry Davies Poem ‘Leisure’
‘What is this life, full of care
We have no time to stand and stare’