The Great British Knit Off
Apologies in advance if the GBKO is already a ‘thing’ – but here at the AHC we’ve been thinking up ways to busy idle hands, and what could be better than knitting? With arts and crafts in vogue like never before, surely it’s time we picked up our needles and gave it a go?
So to set the scene first of all, we in the content team at the AHC are not knitters, so let’s manage expectations from the off. We’re going to give it a go though – and we’ve trawled the internet to put together a beginner’s guide and how to knit with some ideas on what to knit for.
Enjoy keeping your fingers busy!
How to knit?
We loved this video – we were able to follow it and actually produce a basic knit along to it. Hopefully this will provide the basics for you too:
Where to get wool from?
We think the best destination for delivery wool right now is Hobby Craft – shop away here (plus other supplies of course).
Who to knit for?
If you’re wanting to put your needlework to good use, we came across the two great sources. First off, eParenting have a super directory of ideas right here, and secondly we came across Cuddles UK (note to reader – this charity supports families who have lost babies and may be potentially upsetting to read about) who we thought sounded like a terrific cause.
Good luck – and do share images of your work using #alexandermoments we’d love to see how you get on!