Breaking bread (or traybake!) in the park
With lockdown part deux officially upon us, we’ve turned to our teams for some more ideas for how to still idle hands, and also how to make the most from the freedoms we can still enjoy. Our long-standing Head Chef at Rowhill Grange Oliver Joyce, shared with us his deliciously festive (and indulgent) traybake recipe that we think even Nigella would approve of – a simple, almost ritual like routine to prepare the bake first, and then a generous and tactile treat to share once out of the oven.
When meeting a friend next in the park for a coffee, why not double up on the recipe mix and make them one too? Share the love – in a Covid-secure manner, naturally.
Chocolate, Cranberry & Orange Festive Tray Bake
200g chopped roasted hazelnuts
200g chopped dried cranberries
4x zest oranges
4x juice oranges
340g 64% chocolate
225g unsalted butter
390g caster sugar
4x medium eggs
225g strong flour
.5 tea spoon of baking powder

Break up the chocolate and add the butter in a bain marie (an oven-proof bowl sat over a gently simmering pan of water will do) and melt gently together
Whisk eggs, flour and sugar to stiff ribbon stage
Fold the batter into the chocolate mix gently
Fold in nuts, zest and berries, add juice and mix gently
Pour mixture into a 10″x 8″ baking tray which (lined with parchment paper)
Bake in a fan oven at around 165-170 Celsius for around 25-30 minutes – to test, probe with a knife – it should be a little sticky.
Once cooled, remove from the tin and dress how you wish – we like to pour over more melted chocolate and sprinkle some candied peel and nuts over the top. Delicious!